The art of yoga


is to be lived, not just something you do. Everyday a little bit is better then once a week. I support you in a practice that gives you the tools to do this. To feel authority, space and confidence to sustain and develop a ritual suited for you.

I offer weekly classes in person, private (group) sessions, workshops and retreats.

“The real yoga is invisible”
- Chuck Miller

Upcoming events

  • Give Yourself Time

    Sunday 09.03 | 16:00-19:00PM (fully booked)

    A soothing afternoon to take the time for yourself and promote deep relaxation.

    With restorative asana, meditation, pranayama and yoga nidra, followed by a Spa hour accompanied with light snacks and herbal tea.

  • Give Yourself Time

    Sunday 24.03 | 16:00-19:00PM
    (few places left)

    A soothing afternoon to take the time for yourself and promote deep relaxation.

    With restorative asana, meditation, pranayama and yoga nidra, followed by a Spa hour accompanied with light snacks and herbal tea.

  • Give Yourself Time

    Saturday 30.03 | 16:00-19:00PM
    (few places left)

    A soothing afternoon to take the time for yourself and promote deep relaxation.

    With restorative asana, meditation, pranayama and yoga nidra, followed by a Spa hour accompanied with light snacks and herbal tea.

How do I share Yoga?

Mysore practice

The way I teach is focused on the individual, but in a group setting. This means that the class is not fully guided, however the student will receive individual (or tiny group) feedback and support to learn a yoga practice step-by-step.

The focus is on the quality and to allow your body and mind to get used to an all-round spiritual practice gradually. A practice which you will be able to continue on your own.

The aim is to develop concentration, synchronisation of movement and breathing, and understanding of your own body, feelings and energetics. Where ever this path leads you, to more physical fitness or deep meditative insights, is not up to me but to your own intention and commitment towards the practice.

Restorative yoga, Pranayama & Meditation.

This specific style of class is designed to fully integrate and nourish your body and mind upon multiple levels. You can expect a silent environment and to be guided through techniques which help you to relax your nervous system. There is no dynamic movement involved, instead you will be completely supported in the poses to achieve full relaxation. We always end the session with Yoga Nidra.

These classes are guided and suitable for all levels and conditions.
If you have anxiety with long periods of silence, please let me know before the class or send me a message.

Group classes

Weekly classes from Wednesday till Saturday in Sintra

Current Schedule.

Wednesday ~
18:30 | Restorative Asana & Meditation | All Levels - Outpost Casa Arribas

Thursday ~
09:30 | Mysore Practice | Intermediate - Outpost Casa Arribas
10:00 | Mysore Practice | Beginners* - Outpost Casa Arribas
*Beginners are guided step by step through the sequence.

Saturday ~
09:30 | Mysore Practice OPEN | All Levels - Outpost Casa Arribas

If you are interested, contact me and I answer all your questions!

Private classes

One to One classes in a private setting or Private Group classes

Private classes | 1:1
During a one-to-one setting we will be focusing on specific issues or needs which acquire more time and attention. This can be because of injuries, medical conditions or any other specific reason. The most important is that you will be guided and supported with precision and attention into building a practice of asana, pranayama & meditation just for you. I also offer philosophy sessions upon request.

These classes are held in either your personal home or on location (extra fee would apply. At the moment I only take privates in Sintra or Online.

Private Group classes
This is a perfect option if you have a special occasion or hosting a retreat where you want me to participate in. Send me an email and we find a program suitable for the setting.

Our location at Outpost Casa Arribas

Maria R. (Portugal)

I started practicing with Xamira, after a long break due to parental leave and it was of the best things that happened to my life! In such a busy time, being new mom when we tend to forget about looking after yourself, practicing ashtanga yoga with a Xamira gave precisely what I needed - time on my safe place to breathe, connect with myself and let go. Xamira is a very talented yoga teacher, with whom is very natural and easy to connect. She is also very knowledgeable and provides you with just the right indications on how to progress on your practice. Definitely the best yoga teacher with whom I have practiced in Portugal. -

Anonymous (Spain)

Xamira shares her wisdom the way wise people do: with genuine humbleness and love for each human being, no matter who. She caringly encourages to go further in a way that one doesn't even percieve so and her corrections and touch show she knows how to deeply listen into the body of the practicioner, helping with grace the needed release of body tissues.

Laura R. (Germany)

My experience with Xamira is wonderfully heart-warming. The classes I attended i felt lightly and just enough guided to feel held, smoothly adjusted and safe and more than that, Xamira holds enough space to also support you in your own creative practice. I warmly recommend you to discover the inspiring energy she creates in her classes.

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